

ecgMonitor Evaluation Test with Prototype – Android

By |2019-07-06T05:14:05-07:00December 1st, 2016|Categories: Design, Demo, R&D, Software|

ecgMonitor Evaluation Test with Prototype ecgMonitor is transmitting signal to an Android Tablet (Nexus 7). The grounding signal is captured from the ecgMonitor device to the Android Tablet (Nexus 7).

ECG Monitor – Analysis

By |2019-07-06T05:21:19-07:00November 20th, 2015|Categories: Design, R&D, Software|

ECG Monitor - Analysis The following heart signals will be measured by 'Cardiac' or 'Heart' mode: Heart Beat - bpm or bps HRT - Heart Rate Turbulence ST - ST Segment Analysis QTc - QT Analysis AC/DC - Acceleration and Deceleration Capacity HRV - Heart Rate Variability TWA - T-Wave Alternans [...]

ecgMonitor – ‘Setup’ page – Frequency Transform – FFT, Zero Crossing

By |2019-07-06T05:27:02-07:00November 13th, 2015|Categories: Design, R&D, Software|

ecgMonitor - 'Setup' page - Frequency Transform - FFT, Zero Crossing Frequency Transform - FFT, Zero Crossing DSP Resolution DTW Original Data BPM Digit

PQRST.CA is a software & technology company driven by a passion. Create an application for ECG wave form analysis. Design a medical application for portable and wearable device. Apps for IOS: iPhone & iPad and Android: Smart Phone & Tablet.

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